Monday 15 July 2013

Lech Lecha! But to where . . .

Hey All,

I find it almost magical, that we have the ability to return to our ancient home land.  Especially this time of year on Tisha B'Av where we remember, among other important events, the exile from our land.  The question is if we are fortunate to make Aliyah - where should we go?  We will most likely be working in or near Tel Aviv and would like to have a reasonable commute.  Also, we are looking for a place that is somewhat "American," not Heredi and not too expensive.  I realize this is ideal, so let's get as close as we can. 



  1. Working close to Tel Aviv means Jerusalem is pretty much out of the question until the high speed train is completed. I think your best bests are Modi'in's Buchmann neighborhood or Hashmonaim.

    Both are MO; nothing in Israel is cheap, so "not too expensive" is an oxymoron unless you're from California or New York. But first, RENT and then take the time to look around.

    I liked both neighborhoods. Buchmann provides lovely cottages (we bought one before selling and coming to Jerusalem--because of Josh's school and the commute) and is a neat, planned, beautiful suburban community. It's one of many neighborhoods in Modi'in and the only dedicated religious neighborhood. The cottages are large--ours was three-stories, with a two car garage, an office on the ground floor, a parental en-suite off the landing, and 3 spacious bedrooms and a play area upstairs.

    Hashmonaim provides even bigger homes--we looked at homes that had 6 and 7 bedrooms. It was, 6 years ago, a smaller neighborhood than Buchmann with single family homes for MO families, but some homes were beautifully finished with large yards and neatly kept, and others clearly were suffering from a lack of upkeep.....but the sense of community and spirit appeared to be much greater, probably because it is a much smaller community. Hashmonaim is slightly over the Green Line, but has access to the same express bus lines and high-speed train to TA that Modi'in has--the train station is actually IN Modi'in, next to the Mall.

    Knowing both of you, I think you'd really like Hashmonaim better than Buchmann because of the level of support in the mostly-Anglo community, and the spacious homes.

    Now, these are both very close to TA -- but I'm not aware of MO communities closer to TA than these -- anyone else out there have some information?

  2. You should check out Raanana, which is very close or Modiin or Bet Shemesh, which have very convenient train service to Tel Aviv!

  3. Mazel tov on the blog! Just voted for you in the contest and I hope you win. We're going in 2 weeks and were in this position, trying to figure out where, months ago. I really recommend a grownups-only pilot trip, if you can afford it.
    For not too expensive, you may want to look north, plus there are additional grants through NbN's Go North program. I thought we might check out Raanana but were then told it was very expensive, so didn't end up considering it. Rechovot seemed very well-situated and potentially affordable; they also have a nice Anglo community there with the Berman Shul.
    If you're thinking of adding a blog roll, I'd be honoured to be included:
